ICYMI: Scott Brown Discusses Overregulation With The Josiah Bartlett Center’s Drew Cline

Brown: “This administration, Drew, it’s upside down.”

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Competitiveness Coalition Chair Scott Brown joined WFEA’s Morning Update with the Josiah Bartlett Center’s Drew Cline for a wide-ranging discussion on the state of the U.S. presidential race, Brown’s reaction to the State of the Union, and the Biden Administration’s continued suppression of American innovation.

“But with regard to the FTC, you know, being an agency that’s clearly political, all the Republicans resigned. It’s supposed to be a nonpartisan, bipartisan group that goes and zeroes in and tackles the issues that matter,” said Brown, a former Senator and Ambassador. “(The Chinese Communist Party is) looking to really take over our high-tech industry. So what is (the Biden) administration doing? Lina Khan, especially, the head of the FTC, they’re basically filing lawsuit after lawsuit after lawsuit and going over to the EU and marrying up with those regulators to try to regulate our industries. You can pick whatever one you want, whether it’s supermarkets, whether it’s anything. And it’s just, it’s stifling our economy when it comes to our number one, we’re number one in that industry. People may not think it’s sexy or…something that they really care about. But they will when they don’t get their overnight services for four or five days.”

Chair Scott Brown’s full remarks can be found here.

Since 2022, the Competitiveness Coalition has been sounding the alarm on the FTC’s egregious overreach and concerning actions. For more information on the Coalition’s work on this front, please visit competitivenesscoalition.com. Members of the press can contact the coalition at press@competitivenesscoalition.com.


The Competitiveness Coalition is a first-of-its-kind group educating the public and advocating for policies that put consumers first while fostering innovation and attracting new investment.